
A blog created for military spouses to give understanding, support, and a good laugh!

Monday, September 20, 2010


    Welcome to my new blog about being a military wife. I am wife to an active duty Army Guard soldier. This is unique to the military because we are not "stationed" anywhere, and sometimes I feel I miss out on valuable support from a post or base. So here I am to offer encouragement, support, understanding, and a good laugh sometimes. I would love for anyone to share experiences or anything else they feel.

    I have survived one deployment, which lasted 18 months, countless month-long trainings, and numerous weeks and weekends. Our family is now gearing up for deployment next August. What some civilians do not understand is that even though the deployment is so far away there are many months of training ahead. Which means from the date the service member finds out they are deploying they have less time with you and the family!

   I look forward to getting to know and help as many people through this blog as possible!

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